$CTRUMP - Your Captain Is Here !

Don't let the villain rule the world. Step forward and beat the villain once for all.

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Who is Captain Trump?

Once upon a time, the world was plagued by chaos, and evil was everywhere. The superpower nation, America, known as the land of peace, fell into the hands of criminals. The leader of these criminals was Joe Jeets. In the midst of global despair, a superhero arrived!

Yes, he is Captain Trump, the superhero for the oppressed people. Captain Trump arrived at the perfect time, just as despair was haunting humanity. With his team called Trumpvenger. Captain Trump led other superheroes to defeat Joe Jeets and his allies, to restoring the world to a state of peace and prosperity once for all.

Join to be Trumpvenger

By buying and holding $CTRUMP, you're now part of the Trumpvenger squad, led by Captain Trump, to save the world from the evil Joe Jeets and His Allies!

$CTRUMP Token Info :
Tax : 0/0
Total Supply : 1000000000
Liquidity : Burn
Contract : ~
Contact : community@captaintrump.io

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Captain Trump Memes Collection